QIS FLEXER FULL is a white cement and acrylic based super elastic fencing component, an improved UV resistant waterproofing material.
- Indoor and outdoor,
- horizontal and vertical applications,
- insulation of balconies and navigable terrace roofs,
- wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens,
- water tanks, cisterns and swimming pools,
- foundation curtain insulation,
- retaining walls and basement insulation,
- irrigation channels, manholes and concrete pipes, It is used in facilities such as hot springs,
- Turkish baths, and for flower bed insulation.
- It is elastic,
- does not shrink and does not crack,
- is UV resistant.
- It provides safe applications in waterproofing of terrace roofs that will not be covered under light load.
- It is easily applied on horizontal and vertical surfaces with a brush, roller, trowel or spray machine. It provides a seamless and jointless waterproofing.
- It provides high performance waterproofing.
- It is permeable to water vapor and allows the concrete to breathe.
- It is non-toxic, ideal for drinking water tanks.
- Thanks to its flexibility and high adhesion, it creates an excellent insulation layer under ceramics and screed.
- Protects concrete surfaces from carbonation and chloride.