It is an abrasion resistant, powder surface hardener that is applied monolithically on fresh concrete surfaces, consisting of a mixture of special type cement, high quality corundum aggregate and performance enhancing

chemical additives. It provides wear, impact, dust and abrasion resistance against light, medium and heavy loads on concrete surfaces .


Indoors and outdoors, in factories, business centers, commercial warehouses, garages, parking lots and basement floors, mechanical workshops, power plants, shipyards and loading docks, subway stations and underground passages, parks and gardens, pedestrian ways and sidewalks, helicopter and on runways used.


  • It is applied monolithically to fresh concrete.
  • The abrasion resistance of the concrete surface treated with QIS YS 100 KORUNT increases 4-6 times compared to normal concrete.
  • It is a part of the surface it is applied to, it does not wear out and does not spill.
  • It is economical and long lasting. It is ready to use.
  • It saves a significant amount of time with its fast and easy application feature .
  • It provides resistance to wear and impact on concrete surfaces and joint edges .
  • It creates a surface that is resistant to weather conditions and freeze-thaw .
  • The surface is easier to clean, its resistance to oils is higher than normal concrete.
  • Does not oxidize.
  • It provides a high impermeability compared to concrete.